Friday, 14 January 2011

Textual analysis - Kerrang

The front cover of this magazine is simple, but quite busy.  The masthead stands out, even though it is partially covered, because of the white text on a black background.  There is a strap line above the title, giving details on a competition, this is to entice people to buy the magazine.  There is a banner across the middle of the page, this give information about the main feature of the issue.  The photo  is the dominant feature of the front cover, Cory Taylor is the lead singer of a band, he has a commanding personality that really comes through in the photo.  The way that he is looking out towards the viewer draws peoples eyes to the magazine.
There are several other photos on the page, these accompany cover lines advertising other articles in the publication.
Kerrang! stands out on the news stand because of its logo,  the cracking glass effect stands out and is quite effective. In comparison to Q magazine, Kerrang is quite expensive for the quality of the paper and printing and the amount of content in the magazine.  It is also a weekly publication, this makes it more expensive per month that some other magazines.

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